Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Midnight Musings and A Brief Catch-up

Well now my tiny (but not so tiny anymore) human!! You've officially passed the 2 1/2 year mark and you are growing into such an amazing young girl. You're so smart for your age, and you're only going to get smarter. Any day now you're going to surpass me and dada, Lol... ;-)

I was trying to think of what to write to you since I haven't written you a letter in quite a while, and I had some good stuff going on in my brain, but of course, now that I FINALLY have my computer up and running, I can't think of most of what I wanted to say. Regardless, you are still and will always remain my little peanut. You have a fantastic personality, though sometimes you run my patience well almost dry, but hey, you're 2 and it's to be expected. You have such a desire to live and explore that I have no doubt you are going to live life to the fullest the older you get! After visiting Auntie Shaeanna and Mimma in Montana last week, you've shown me how excited you can get about trying new things and your eagerness to do them yourself. Take 4-wheeling for instance... It's your first time being on a piece of machinery that is completely exposed to the wind and dust and it only took you roughly 5 minutes to decide that you loved it and wanted momi to "go faster"! Then, it only took you about 10 minutes to want to drive the ATV, trying to push my hands off the handle bars so you could steer it all by yourself. You are the brightest light that shines in my heart, and your exuberance for life makes me so proud and happy to be your mom.

Laying next to you, waiting for you to fall asleep, I was thinking about life. Just life in general and I came up with this (with your help, though indirectly): "Life is not a gentle ride down a well manicured road, it's more like riding a bull who has just been branded on his behind. It will buck and kick and try to knock you down, and sometimes it will succeed. But, instead of laying down, you stand up, brush off the dirt, climb back on the bull of life, grab the reins and keep riding." I have no doubt that when the bull of life knocks you off, your feet will barely touch the ground before you're grabbing at the reins and pulling yourself back on. And if you do land on your back, catch your breath and then get back on :-)
Rest stop on the way to MT

Well my moon, until the next time I write, which may be soon, or it may be later, but whenever it is, always remember that I love you from now, through infinity and beyond. Keep being you and never lose your love of life.

I love you peanut!
Momi <3

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