Sunday, November 20, 2016

OMG, Can It Be?! You're Almost 2

Oh Hello Sweet Pea! It's been a while since I've written to you. You definitely keep me busy and I forget to leave you notes and messages. You're coming up on your second year of womb-free living! Woo hoo! I hope you're enjoying it so far. I know I am :-) Some days I enjoy it more than others, but that's all part of the gig. I have been thinking of a friend of mine, one whom you've met, and she's about to have a tiny human of her own. But unlike you, her little boy already had an angel brother. And I think about how precious of a gift you are to have in my life. Even on days when you seem to cry for no known reason and I'm at a loss for how to help, I wouldn't trade it for anything else. You and the rest of the tiny humans are blessings, and as for our family, I'm glad you choose us ♡

On a more positive and happy note, you are absolutly the smartest almost 2 year old I know. Smartest and cutest ♡ Some of your favorites in life so far include:
☆ Singing - ABC song, Twinkle Twinkle, The Owl Song and The More We Sing Together (both by Raffi)
☆ Dancing - Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, If You're Happy and You Know It, and being the little back up dancer at Auntie Awesome's Shows
☆ Coloring, but not always on paper...
☆ Milk - chocolate, strawberry, vanilla and coffee flavored
☆ YouTube Kids, SpongeBob Square Pants, Peppa Pig and ChuChu TV
☆ Climbing!!! bouncing, jumping, running and well, being an active little bean

Some of your favorite people to hang out with are your family, Momi & Daddi, Mimaw, Zizi & Sage, Auntie Awesome & Uncle Frank. And when we're on the Easy coast Grami, Memeŕe, Pepeŕe, Grampa John, Riley & Damien and Auntie Jill, Uncle Daniel and Uncle Justin.

You love making new friends when we go to the play ground and you show so much compassion if you see another kid that's hurt or crying. You are a special little girl and I know you will (as you already do) make a difference in people's lives as you grow and blossom into your beautiful self.

I love you, my little moon beam - from here to infinity ♡♡♡


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