Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Adventures of Luna & Celeste: In The Beginning

** Just a note here - I try to tell these adventure stories from Luna and Celeste's points of view. Imagine your baby knowing all the words used in these stories since (s)he has probably heard them at some point in his/her brief life. From the time your baby's ears developed, they were listening to you and anyone around them talking. So, I like to pretend that my little moon monologues using an extensive vocabulary and by extension, so does Celeste. **
"As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was going to happen" - Winnie the Pooh
In order to tell a good adventure story, you should start at the beginning, obviously... 

     So, here we are, back in February, with both Auntie Jilly and Auntie T. We were wandering through Babies 'R Us picking up necessities, diapers, wipes, formula (please don't judge my mommy. Her milk machines were faulty), when we rolled down the toy isle. There were tons of toys! Big kid toys, little kid toys, and baby toys. I do believe I was in and out of it through the whole thing, since I'm still pretty new to this "living outside my water bubble" experience - I'm only almost 2 Months young here - but I remember mommy and my two aunties walking and talking about getting me a special friend that I could sleep with, go on car rides with and just have around to watch me and play with. 
     I kept hearing tinkling and jingling noises and my mommy said, "No, not that one. No, not cool enough. No, no, no..." Wow! Mommy was on a mission! I had to have the coolest playmate, I guess. In the end, I fell asleep before they made their choice on who would be my new forever-mate. I can only assume when they found her, all three of them said, "YES!" very quietly, otherwise I might have woken up to see who they picked. But, I slept all the way home. I know my new friend slept with me on the ride home, because I vaguely remember feeling mommy tucking something in to my car seat when we started. It was soft, and thankfully, not to jingly. We snuggled the whole way home.
     When we got home, mommy fed me and put me down in my little play area. She introduced me to my new friend. She was really pretty! She had a beautiful smile on her face and even a crown on her head! I guess she's a princess, which is really neat, because now I have a princess for a best friend to go on adventures with. Since I'm still so young I can't quite hold her yet, but some day we will hold hands and I'll swing her around and play with her, laughing and squealing with joy. Oh, what the future holds! 
     By now you might be wondering how my princess friend got her name. There wasn't anything on the tag when mommy bought her, so mommy and my aunties thought we should come up with a name for her. Since my name is Luna, mommy said it should probably be something close to my name. She suggested Andromeda, since that was the other name she thought of calling me before choosing Luna, but I don't think that would have fit my friend. After all, she's a princess, not a nebula. So mommy, Auntie Jilly and Auntie T thought about it while they were doing each others hair (I wish I had hair to braid and put in pony tails. Some day...some day...), when all at the same time, me, Auntie Jilly and Auntie T said, "Celeste"! So that is how Celeste came to find her name. And it fits, beautifully!
     Since coming home with us from the store,  Celeste and I have been on many an adventure. She came with me to my second doctors appointment, where I received my shots. The first part was alright. They gave me some kind of clear formula, which tasted different than I've been use to, but still good. Then they poked me in my legs. My good girls, did that hurt! I cried, mommy cried and Celeste cried. I think mommy and Celeste were crying because I was, so I decided I wanted to be a big girl at that moment, and I stopped. It helped that mommy had a bottle waiting for me so I had something to focus on rather then the poke in my legs. 
     Celeste rode with me back home from the doctors, comforting me the whole time. I fell asleep again, resting my head on hers, and I knew we'd be together forever. Now that we have found each other, we both know our journey has only just begun. And for my part, I think we've off to a great start! 

Here ends the beginning of the start of new adventures. There are three more after this, all varying in length, but full of fun and excitement. I hope you enjoyed this episode of "The Adventures of Luna & Celeste"! Check back soon for our next adventure. Until then, go forth and explore for yourself! :-)

Much loves,
J Bean (Momi <3)

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