Friday, November 20, 2015

October 29th, 2014

I started this blog over a year ago, but instead of using the internet and modern technology, I used pen and a journal. However, since I am known to misplace journals but not the internet, I thought I would join the 21st Century and make a blog for my sweet Luna. The earliest posts that will be made are what I have already written down in her journal. Everything following today's date will be straight from the source, my brain and heart.

Thank you for reading.

And so it begins:

Letter #1:

It's almost two months before I get to actually meet you. I can hardly wait! I'm so excited to hold you in my arms. It's been fun carrying you around in my "belly" but I'm ready for having you out in the open.

There are so many people excited to meet you! Your daddy, your big sister, Jade, your grami's and even great grami! Your auntie's Allison and Jilly are very excited, and loads of others, too. You'll bring a bright light to all our lives. You've already brought one to mine. I know already that I love you, immeasurably, intensely and forever. I promise to be the best mom I know how to be for you. I love you, my little moon-beam.

Momi <3

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