Friday, November 20, 2015

January 10th, 2015

Hey baby girl,

You've been here on Earth for twelve days now. How have you liked it? I've enjoyed spending time with you, holding you, feeding you and yes, even changing you. :-) 
Everything about you, I love. You are my precious little moon-beam. The first few days of your life were a little rough, and I'm glad you won't remember it. At least when you got home, it felt as though everything was going to get better; and it did! Thankfully Grama Shirley lives here and she was able to watch you so muma could sleep. You've met all your grammy's as of this week; Grama Shirley, Grami Gosselin and Memere. <3 You also seem to recognize Uncle Frank and Auntie Allison's voices! Everyone who meets you says you're so beautiful. And you are! You bring so much love and joy into your daddy and my hearts. I love how little and innocent you are now, and I look forward to the days we get to run around, laughing together!

I love you, my little moon-beam, from here to infinity! I'm so glad you are finally here!

Love always,
Momi <3

Luna Ashley Buist
Born: December 29th, 2014 @ 7:29am
6 lbs 9 oz - 20.5 in

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