Saturday, November 21, 2015

April 29th, 2015

Dearest Moon,

Yay! You are 4 Months young today! You've gotten so big from the 6 lb 9 oz little peanut you were at birth! You had your second doctors check-up a few days ago and received your first set of shots. Muma's heart was in so much pain, anticipating how much the shots would hurt you, but you did amazingly! You cried, which of course is understandable, but as soon as I picked you up, you slowly stopped. You're such a strong little girl! Every day you grow stronger and every day I feel so blessed that I have you in my life! Truly, you are the best thing to ever happen to me, for me and come from me. I loved you before you were even an embryo, and I'll love you from now to forever. And if I can, I'll love you even after. I can hardly wait to grow up with you and be with you to witness all your firsts. You're known about your hands and fingers for a while now (and it's the cutest thing watching you suck your thumb), but now you've discovered your feet! You're so adorable, trying to suck on your toes. :-) Next step, rolling over! Let's just make sure I'm close by when you figure it out! :-)

I love you my little moon-beam! From here to eternity!

Love always,
Momi <3

Luna Ashley Buist - 4 Months
Photography by J. Buist Photography

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