Saturday, November 21, 2015

And There Ends The Paper Journal...

Apparently I lost Luna's "Letters to Luna" journal sometime after July, which in my defense is perfectly acceptable since it wasn't long after my last entry that she was crawling all over the place. I ended up rearranging our entire living room to try and make it as baby-proof as possible. In some of the videos I've posted, you may have noticed we have a nice, cast iron fireplace. Well, that is now covered my a 2" foam mat so we don't get any broken skulls. 

Also, we acquired a new couch, which is MUCH bigger than our last couch. So we needed more room for that, as well. All in all, I'm glad I have the first seven-ish months of her life written down, but am also happy to be joining fellow bloggers out in cyber world! 

I do have a few stories written that I will be sharing. These are the stories I talked about in my first post. I got too far ahead of myself just typing out of her journal that I didn't incorporate them before or after the posts I would have liked to. So instead, I will just use my next three posts for her stories. Then, after those, my blog and her journal will be up-to-date and in the present. 

Well, I better get cracking. These stories aren't going to type themselves! Until the next official post, take care! Thank you for joining us on our adventure through life! :-)


J Bean (Momi <3)

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